Medical Implications and Attention
Hearing Aid Usage
Common Signs and Symptoms
The signs of hearing loss can be subtle and emerge slowly, or can manifest suddenly.
Sources: The Better Hearing and Speech Council (BHSC) USAHearing Loss Association of America (HLAA):
- Hearing loss is an unaddressed health condition; it is the 3rd most common physical condition in adults after arthritis and heart disease.
- The prevalence of hearing loss increases with age; men are twice as likely as women to have hearing loss.
- Numerous studies show that untreated hearing loss is linked to a wide range of physical and emotional conditions: irritability, anger, fatigue, tension, stress, depression, avoidance or withdrawal from social situations, social rejection and loneliness, reduced alertness and increased risk to personal safety, impaired memory, reduced job performance, and diminished overall health.
Hearing Aid Usage
- Most adults with hearing loss can benefit from hearing aids.
- Advances in digital technology have dramatically improved hearing aids. Hearing aids are smaller, with better sound quality. They provide greater clarity and directionality, better speech audibility, better cell phone compatibility, and less whistling and feedback then hearing aids of the past.
Common Signs and Symptoms
The signs of hearing loss can be subtle and emerge slowly, or can manifest suddenly.
- Socially, individuals with hearing loss may:
Require frequent repetition
Have difficulty following conversations involving more than two people
Think other people sound muffled or mumble
Have difficulty hearing in noisy situations like restaurants, malls, crowds
Have trouble hearing children and women
Keep the TV or radio turned up to a high volume
Answer or respond inappropriately in conversations
Hear ringing in their ears (tinnitus) read lips intently when in conversation
- Emotionally, individuals with hearing loss may:
Feel stressed from straining to hear what others are saying
Feel annoyed at others because they can't hear or understand them
- Medically, individuals with hearing loss may/may not:
Have a family history of hearing loss
Have taken medications that can harm the hearing system (ototoxic drugs)
Have diabetes, heart, circulation, or thyroid problems
Have been exposed to very loud sounds
Sources: The Better Hearing and Speech Council (BHSC) USAHearing Loss Association of America (HLAA):